Training Courses for Olim Chadashim

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Training Courses, Diploma Programs, and Upskilling for Olim Chadashim (New Immigrants)
The Israeli government offers various training and re-training options for Olim Chadashim (new immigrants to Israel), aimed at preparing them for integrating in the Israeli job market in meaningful and sought-after professions. These programs include financial support and counselling services, designed to help new immigrants face professional challenges that may arise before and during the Aliyah process.
What training courses are available to Olim Chadashim?
The following training programs and courses are offered to Olim Chadashim:
- Diploma programs: New immigrants may choose from a wide range of professional training courses offered in sought-after fields in the Israeli labor force. They are usually shorter and more flexible than academic degree programs.
- Vocational re-training: Vocational re-training is designed to assist Olim in pursuing a new career path, different than their profession before making Aliyah. Some of these tracks are aimed at professionals holding an academic degree (undergraduate of graduate degree), while others are also suitable for those who do not hold an academic degree.
- Hebrew classes: Hebrew courses (also known as Ulpan) aim to help new immigrants gain the necessary command of Hebrew required in their profession. Specific vocational advanced courses are usually tailored for various professions.


Who supervises training programs for Olim?
The professional integration of new immigrants in Israel is mainly handled by The Ministry of Aliyah and Absorption (Misrad Haklita), The ministry of Labor (Misrad Haavoda), and The Employment Office (Lishkat Hataasuka). The training programs are usually supervised by these bodies. There are also certain tracks that are conducted in co-operation with other government ministries, such as The Ministry of Education or Transportation, or The Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel (according to the study area).
What subjects can Olim study for a diploma?
Olim can choose from training programs in a wide range of subjects. Most Olim are assigned training according to their previous profession, while those who are unemployed are assigned a training track fitting their skills. Here are several examples of areas of study available for training in Israel:
- Computing and high-tech: These programs train students in professions such as programming and coding, data science, web development, cyber security, and more.
- Engineering and technology: These courses are aimed at engineers or Olim with technological experience and provide relevant skills and terminology.
- Accounting and finance: New immigrants can study subjects such as bookkeeping, payroll accounting, investment advising, and more.
- Para-medical professions: These courses include professions such as dental assistants, opticians, childbirth coaches, hydro-therapists, etc. There are also vocational re-training programs in nursing.
- Education: Olim with teaching experience can broaden their skillset and take part in programs in areas such as learning disabilities, English tutoring, parent and family coaching, art instruction for children, etc.
- Industry and construction: Courses can train Olim in professions such as construction management, work-safety supervision, electricity, carpentry, welding, etc.


What is the duration of the course?
The course’s duration varies and may span from several months to around two years. The duration of the course depends on the study method (full-time or part-time), and on the student’s previous experience.


Can Olim study online?
While most training programs require on-site attendance, some are also offered in a hybrid program which includes both remote learning and attending classes in-person. In addition, several online programs are also offered, including online Hebrew courses as part of the “HebrewByte” project.
What re-training and upskilling options are available for Olim?
New immigrants interested in changing the course of their career and pursuing a new profession can take part in re-training programs. Some programs are subsidized by The Ministry of Aliyah and are offered in career areas that are in high demand in Israel, such as high-tech, nursing, and education. These tracks are aimed at Olim who hold an academic undergraduate degree. Some programs are also offered to Olim who currently hold professions with a lower demand in Israel, assisting them in pursuing a more sought-after career.
Upskilling tracks allow employees to learn new skills relevant to their field of work and get acquainted with technological advancements. This may help them broaden their employability options or take on more advanced roles.
How can Olim study vocational Hebrew?
Vocational Hebrew classes are sector-specific courses, taught with a career-based orientation and usually emphasizing aspects such as job interviews, building one’s CV, etc. Some advanced vocational Hebrew courses are tailored to employees in professions that require registration in Israel, such as doctors, nurses, lawyers, psychologists, etc. Olim are referred to these Hebrew courses via their absorption counsellors at their local office of Aliyah.


What is the voucher program for financial assistance for Olim?
The voucher program is offered by The Ministry of Aliyah and includes participation in the costs of professional training for new immigrants. This financial assistance must not exceed 80% of the training program’s cost and in any case will not exceed 7,000 NIS (the lower of the two). Olim can be referred to the voucher program by the absorption counselor in their district, or apply online via the Ministry’s website.


Who is eligible for financial assistance (vouchers) during training programs?
According to The Ministry of Absorption, Olim must answer one of the following conditions to be eligible for financial assistance (via the vouchers program) during their training course:
- Unemployed at the time of submitting their request for financial aid.
- Employed in unskilled jobs not commensurate with their skillset or previous qualifications.
- Professions from overseas that are not in demand in Israel.
- Those interested in studying in-demand professions to advance their current career.
- Olim referred to professional training by their Employment Center.
In addition, they must also show proof of completing “Ulpan Aleph” Hebrew classes to be eligible for financial assistance.
What is the period of eligibility for Student Authority assistance?
The Israeli Student Authority (Minhal Ha’studentim) is the body responsible for accompanying young Olim in pursuing higher education or furthering their education after making Aliyah. It provides assistance in pursuing various academic degrees, along with certain diploma tracks. The Authority also provides new immigrant students with scholarships for Olim, and academic support systems.
Olim may apply for Student Authority assistance within 36 months of receiving their new Oleh status. Military service or national service are not included in this period.
Is there a maximum age for financial assistance in diploma studies?
According to the Student Authority eligibility criteria, the maximum age for receiving assistance in diploma tracks is 27 years of age.
Are there hi-tech training programs for Olim?
New immigrants with previous experience in computing, along with those interesting in re-training to hi-tech professions, may participate in a wide range of courses, in areas such as programming, data analysis, QA, UI/UX, product management, and more. Some of these tracks are offered by government initiatives, while others are offered by private providers (most of which are hi-tech companies seeking to employ Olim).
Which programs are aimed at Olim starting a new business or start-up?
Olim Chadashim interested in starting their own business in Israel, or in founding a start-up initiative, may participate in subsidized entrepreneurship courses, and receive guidance via the MATI business development centers. In addition, The Ministry of Absorption offers courses aimed at hi-tech employees and scientists who are interested in founding and promoting tech-oriented start-ups in Israel. Most of these programs are aimed at new immigrants within 10 years of making Aliyah.


How can Olim gain a teaching certificate in Israel?
To be able to teach in Israeli schools, new immigrants must be granted an Israeli teacher’s certificate and teaching license. The Ministry of Education offers the “Morim Olim” program which allows immigrant teachers to qualify for their teacher’s license in Israel while also assisting them in smoothly integrating into the educational system and finding job placements.
In addition, it is worth noting that there is currently a high demand for English language teachers in the Israeli education system. Native English speakers from the US, Canada, the UK, and other countries may be eligible for vocational re-training tracks for English teachers, even without previous teaching experience.


Which languages are the programs available in?
Olim can study in various languages, including English, Russian, French, and more. Please note that not all courses are necessarily offered in all these languages. Absorption counsellors can help direct students to courses in the required language available in their area.
Which training courses are required for professional certification?
In professions requiring a license in Israel, Olim must pass a licensing exam to be eligible to practice. The Ministry of Aliyah offers preparatory courses for these licensing exams and participates in their funding. Some of these courses are open annually, while others are biannual. The courses are aimed at new immigrants eligible for assistance, who practice the following professions:
- Nurses.
- Dentists.
- Pharmacists.
- Veterinarians.
- Accountants.
- Lawyers.


What are the admission requirements for training courses?
Admission requirements vary from program to program. In most cases, Olim must provide proof of their Hebrew proficiency and successfully complete level “Aleph” of Ulpan. Some programs are open to those holding an academic degree (undergraduate or graduate), while others can be attended by those who show proof of completing their high-school education. Moreover, certain courses require previous professional experience (in fields such as engineering, science, or computing).
What type of diploma is granted upon completing the program?
Upon completion of the training program, students receive a diploma providing proof of their studies. Some of these diplomas are granted by The Ministry of Labor, while others by bodies such as The Ministry of Education, The Ministry of Health, The Ministry of Transportation, etc.
How do I choose the right program for me?
Olim are often referred to training programs by advisors from The Government Employment Service (Lishkat Hataasuka), according to their experience and the need for their profession. They must first apply as job-seekers at the Employment Service.
In addition, The Ministry of Absorption offers vocational assessment services to Olim who need help in planning their future career path. This service includes an assessment meeting with a vocational psychologist who will later refer Olim to appropriate training programs.


How can Olim gain professional experience after the course?
Upon completion of their training, olim begin their journey in the Israeli labor market. In some cases, the training program includes a job placement, but please note that not all tracks necessarily include this service. Since professional experience is a key factor in employability in Israel, and most employers seek to hire experienced employees, it is important to gain relevant experience during training. This can be achieved by participating in an internship (either paid or unpaid), volunteering, and more.


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