Business Administration and Management Undergraduate - Yeshiva University

Academic institutions in Israel invite you to participate in international programs, earn credits or complete your degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the sites, to meet new people from all around the world, to hear Hebrew and Arabic, and to come to a closer understanding of Israeli society.

Business Administration and Management Undergraduate - Yeshiva University
Yeshiva University allows students to earn an undergraduate degree in business administration and management, in partnership with Tel-Aviv University. This program is taught entirely in English and includes immersive Torah studies as an integral part of the curriculum.
The program prepares students for various sought-after roles in today’s competitive business arena, both in Israel and worldwide. Studies are designed according to Yeshiva University standards, which prepare graduates for professional and personal lives integrating core Torah values.
Men and women study in separate programs on distinct campuses and batei midrash and partake in separate Jewish study programs. Men’s studies are based in YU’s Gruss institute, while women’s studies are based in Chorev Lebanot campus, both located in the heart of Jerusalem.


Study Program
The business administration and management B.A. track is conducted in partnership with TAU’s Coller School of Management. It offers students exposure to the Israeli and global business ecosystem and allows them to develop strategic insight and entrepreneurial skills.
Studies comprise high-level academic courses, tailor-made for program students, all taught in English. In addition, the program includes the following:
- Comprehensive Torah studies: YU’s dual curriculum incorporates morning Torah studies, and a beit midrash on campus. For men, studies include chavruta time followed by shiur, with additional options for advanced students. For women, Torah studies feature classes in Tanach, Halacha, and Jewish thought, along with beit midrash and chavruta learning.
- Academic support systems: students receive mentoring and support from YU’s alumni network, along with individualized career support and graduate school advisement. Moreover, this program includes various internship opportunities, and professional and educational seminars.



Duration and Structure
The program spans four years. It includes one full day a week at the Tel-Aviv University campus for internships, workshops, and meetings with executives, combined with online classes.
Academic coursework must be completed in the following order:
- Year 1: students use their YU-affiliated Israel seminary credits.
- Years 2 and 3: conducted on campus at both Yeshiva University and Tel-Aviv University.
- Year 4: includes courses facilitated by YU, and one summer semester at the New York campus.



Who is Eligible?
- U.S. high-school seniors on their way to study at Yeshiva University-affiliated Israeli yeshivot.
- Alumni of yeshivot approved by YU.
- YU accepts credit awarded by SDAIP affiliated yeshivot. Transcripts from other Israeli schools will be evaluated on a personal basis.



- U.S. high-school seniors headed for YU-affiliated seminaries in Israel.
- Alumni of seminary programs approved by Yeshiva University.
- YU accepts credit awarded by SDAIP affiliated seminaries. Transcripts from other Israeli schools will be evaluated on a personal basis.
Israeli citizens may enroll.



Tuition fees are 36,000$ annually. Tuition includes courses from both universities, Torah studies, housing, and transportation to and from partner academic institutions. Tuition remains the same each year.



Career Paths and Advanced Studies
Students in YU’s Israeli program have access to the “Shevet Glaubach” center, which provides personalized career guidance, and graduate school advisement for those seeking to further their academic studies (at either Yeshiva University or various Israeli universities).
This academic program is designed to prepare its graduates for field specific careers. Students can choose to pursue various career paths in the Israeli and global business ecosystem, take part in entrepreneurial ventures and start-ups, and more.


Read more about: Yeshiva University - International Undergraduate Programs in Israel

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