Scholarships for Olim Chadashim
New immigrant students (Olim) are eligible for various scholarships. The scholarships are aimed at providing a “softer landing” during the first stages of Aliyah and studies in Israel. Financial support can amount to full academic tuition.
Scholarships and Financial Aid for Olim Chadashim (New Immigrants)
New immigrant students to Israel (Olim Chadashim) are eligible for an extensive support network upon making Aliyah, which includes academic and social guidance, along with financial aid and scholarships. These scholarships are suitable for students in various study tracks, such as academic degrees (undergraduate, graduate, and PhD), diploma studies, and preparatory programs (mechina).
Who provides scholarships for Olim?
The scholarships for new immigrants are provided by various bodies and organizations, including:
- The Ministry of Aliyah - The Israeli Student Authority: The Student Authority supports new immigrant students and provides counselling and guidance during their studies in Israel. The scholarships offered by the Student Authority provide students who meet eligibility criteria with tuition funding throughout the entire study program.
- Academic institutions: Israeli academic institutions offer various scholarships to their students, some are needs-based while others are merit-based.
- Municipalities: Certain municipalities and regional councils in Israel will occasionally offer needs-based financial support to new immigrants who are registered as citizens of that specific area.
- Organizations and initiatives: Various non-governmental organizations offer financial support to new Olim. These include both Israeli organizations and initiatives from abroad which support Jewish students.
What are the eligibility criteria for Student Authority assistance?
The criteria for eligibility for Student Authority financial assistance include:
- Integration status: new Oleh, Citizen Oleh, or returning minor.
- Students must begin their studies within 36 months of making Aliyah.
- Students must meet the age criteria (maximum age varies according to program).
- Presenting a matriculation certificate and complying with all academic requirements.
- Studying at an institution recognized by the Student Authority.
Do Olim have to volunteer to receive scholarships?
To be eligible for Student Authority scholarships, students must participate in the “Shahak” program - the student community social service. In this program, new immigrant students volunteer in the community in exchange for their scholarship, they can volunteer with various populations such as children, lone soldiers, the elderly, Holocaust survivors, people with disabilities, etc. The scope of activity depends on the length of one’s study program and the extent of support granted.
Can Olim study for free?
New immigrants who meet the Student Authority criteria can receive financial aid up to 100% of annual standard tuition. When tuition fees are higher than the standard academic rate, the Student Authority will grant scholarships up to the standard fee, and the student will need to fund the remaining sum. In addition, scholarships do not cover extra payments such as membership in the student association, security fees, library cards, etc.).
What is the maximum age for receiving Student Authority assistance?
The maximum age for receiving tuition funding, according to the Student Authority criteria, varies according to one’s study track:
- Undergraduate degrees, practical engineering, certificate training, or pre-academic preparatory programs: up to age 27.
- Graduate degrees or career re-training for undergraduate degree holders: up to age 30.
- Students in absorption programs of the student authority: up to age 35.
Are Olim eligible for Hebrew course funding?
Olim students are required to reach an “Exempt” level in Hebrew during their degree. To reach this status, they must participate in Hebrew courses throughout their studies. These courses entail an additional fee, besides standard tuition. The student Authority offers financial support in funding these courses, in addition to tuition scholarships.
Which scholarships are suitable for undergraduate degrees?
The following scholarships are suitable for undergraduate Olim students:
- The Student Authority funding: Olim can receive up to 100% funding for an undergraduate degree. This funding is suitable for Olim up to age 27, studying in recognized institutions. Volunteering is mandatory.
- The Ministry of Defense: The Fund for Discharged Soldiers at The Ministry of Defense offers the “From Uniform to Studies” program, which also assists new immigrants who have a gold or silver honorable discharge from IDF combat service.
- Organizations and funds: Organizations and funds such as HIAS, Telfed, Heseg, etc.
Which scholarships are suitable for master's degrees?
Many of the organizations which support undergraduate Olim students also offer support to students studying for graduate degrees:
- The Student Authority: Provides scholarships to new Olim up to age 30, who study for master’s degrees in Israel.
- The Ministry of Defense: The “From Uniform to Studies” program allows combat soldiers who hold undergraduate degrees to receive funding for graduate degrees, for up to 2 years of study.
- The Klausner Foundation: This foundation offers research scholarships for new Olim studying for master’s or doctoral studies. This is a merit-based program awarded to research students with outstanding achievements, studying at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Which scholarships are suitable for preparatory programs?
Students studying in pre-academic programs for Olim (Mechina) can benefit from the following scholarships:
- The Student Authority: The Authority offers funding for immigrant students studying at the pre-academic preparatory programs, and in TAKA programs. This assistance can amount to full tuition fees.
- Anieres Program: This scholarship is awarded to Olim students studying at the preparatory program at The Technion, who will continue their studies in the STEM undergraduate degrees in this institution. It is aimed at Olim aged 18-25, within 3 years of Aliyah, according to socio-economic criteria.
Can lone Olim soldiers receive scholarships?
Lone soldiers are those serving in the IDF without support in Israel from their immediate family, such as after making Aliyah to volunteer to the IDF, while their family remains abroad. These students may be eligible for certain scholarships, including:
- “From Uniform to Studies”: This program is offered by The Ministry of Defence to combat soldiers, among them Olim combat soldiers. It includes full tuition funding and does not require volunteering. This program can, in some cases, be combined with Student Authority assistance.
- HESEG: HESEG scholarships are given to lone Olim soldiers who have made Aliyah to serve in the IDF. They include tuition funding and living expenses and are aimed at undergraduate students.
- The Gruss Foundation: The Gruss scholarships are aimed at several populations, among them lone soldiers who are not eligible for “from uniform to studies” scholarships. It is granted to undergraduate students and requires volunteering in the community.
What organizations offer scholarships for Olim?
As mentioned above, several private, non-governmental organizations and funds provide financial support to new immigrants, including:
- HIAS: HIAS is an American organization founded by the Jewish community, which supports immigrants and refugees. This organization offers scholarships to Olim students studying for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees in Israel. The scholarship covers tuition and living expenses.
- Telfed: Telfed is a Zionist South African organization which strives to assist in absorption of new immigrants in Israel. It offers the “Pras” scholarship to students in academic programs who have completed their military or national service. Priority is given to Olim of South African lineage.
- The Jewish Federation of North America (JFNA): JFNA offers certain financial support to young Jewish people from the US who wish to study in Israel.
- Anieres: Anieres is an organization which assists young immigrants studying at The Technion in Haifa. It offers financial support for STEM undergraduate degrees and pre-academic preparatory programs.
Which scholarships are suitable for French speaking Olim?
New immigrants from France and French speaking countries can take part in several academic support programs which also offer financial aid. These include:
- The Francophone Campus - Netanya College: Netanya College offers this program for new immigrants from France, which also includes tutoring and academic guidance throughout the degree.
- Association of French and North African Immigrants: This organization offers financial support to Olim students from France, within 5 years from Aliyah.
- Neshama Project: This program assists new immigrants from France who participate in an extra-curricular course in Judaic studies.
Which merit-based scholarships are offered by academic institutions?
Students with outstanding academic achievements may be eligible for merit-based scholarships offered by their academic institutions. These are usually offered at the beginning of each academic year, based on the achievements of the previous year. Volunteering is not always required.
Can research students receive scholarships?
Research students, including graduate students and PhD (doctoral) students, may be entitled to various research grants and financial aid programs. These support networks strive to encourage outstanding researchers to make Aliyah and integrate in Israeli academic institutions and research centers, thus also promoting the Israeli industry. Among these programs, The Ministry of Aliyah offers partial funding for research students who are Olim or returning residents, who are accepted to doctorate research at recognized universities in Israel. This support is provided to research students up to age 37, within the first two years of making Aliyah.
Can Olim receive student loans?
Olim students may also apply for student loans to help fund their tuition. These loans include deferred payments and low interest rates. Some loans are offered by the Dean of Students at academic institutions, while others are offered by Israeli banks. Those eligible for loans include undergraduate students studying in recognized institutions.
Can Olim receive several scholarships simultaneously?
Students cannot receive both the Student Authority financial support and other governmental scholarships. In addition, students entitled to Student Authority assistance cannot receive assistance given under the Veterans Law, such as Veteran’s Fund scholarships for preparatory programs. Some exceptions include students eligible for first year periphery assistance from the Fund for Released Soldiers, and “From Uniform to Studies” scholarships given to combat soldiers.
It should also be noted that certain private funds and organizations do not permit double scholarships, and it is advised to inquire on this matter while applying for each program.
How can students apply for scholarships?
Students can apply for certain scholarships online, such as Student Authority support (via the Ministry of Aliyah website). While applying online, they will be required to attach relevant documents, such as high-school transcripts, confirmations of acceptance to academic studies, etc.
However, it should be noted that not all funds and organizations allow applying online and require in-person applications or applications via mail services. In addition, in some support programs requests must be handed by academic institutions on behalf of their students (such as in some PhD research support programs).
Do I need to apply again each year?
To receive the Student Authority scholarships, students must submit their request for every academic year. Submission dates remain the same each year. In addition, certain non-governmental organizations require submitting requests for each year and do not automatically renew applications.