MA TESOL at Tel-Aviv University - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Academic institutions in Israel invite you to participate in international programs, earn credits or complete your degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the sites, to meet new people from all around the world, to hear Hebrew and Arabic, and to come to a closer understanding of Israeli society.

M.A. TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages at Tel-Aviv University


At Tel-Aviv University, international students can take part in the MA track for teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). This international master's program prepares them for various career opportunities in the English teaching field in Israel and around the globe. They can occupy many different teaching and instruction positions, such as in schools, in higher education, and in the business sector. Graduates can also research English learning methods and devise new programs for successfully teaching English to a wide variety of audiences.

English is one of the most spoken languages worldwide today. It is the language of the internet, of the business sector and of the media. Fluency in English is becoming a necessary skill from an early age and in Israel this language is taught from elementary school. Many organizations and institutions also stress the importance of knowledge in English and strive to help employees speak and write confidently and professionally. 

Study program 
Students discuss various processes of language acquisition and get to know many different teaching methods that are aimed at teaching English as a second language. In addition, they learn about different aspects of multilingualism in today's global society. They are also provided with tools for developing new and innovative teaching methods.


- Are you interested in languages? Read more about master's in linguistics in Israel

- Want to know more about Israel? Read about MA in Israel studies for international students



Structure and duration


This track spans 3 semesters. It is taught in English and designed especially for international students. A thesis track is available for those who wish to continue to PhD tracks in the future.


Students combine academic classes with practical experience in education that takes place in Israeli schools. The program also includes field trips and other extracurricular activities.




- Teacher identity.
- Language awareness.
- Israeli education context.
- Language learning and technology.
- Multilingualism in the public space.
- Cultural issues in language teaching.
- Concepts and implications in linguistics.
- Research methods in language teaching.
- And more.
Admission requirements


Admission requirements include:


- Bachelor’s degree with a GPA of 3.0 and above.
- Candidates with an average grade of 75-80 may apply under consideration of the admissions committee.
- Diploma and official transcripts.
- Certified English translations of all transcripts.
- Two letters of recommendation.
- Personal resume (CV).
- Personal essay (up to three pages long) describing the candidate’s interest in this program and how they will use the acquired tools for their personal growth and for contribution to class dynamics.
- English proficiency proof – for applicants from non-English speaking countries.




Graduates are awarded a Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Foreign Languages. In order to teach English in public schools, a teaching certificate is required.



Read more about: אוניברסיטת תל אביב

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