Study about the Middle East in Israel

Academic institutions in Israel invite you to participate in international programs, earn credits or complete your degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the sites, to meet new people from all around the world, to hear Hebrew and Arabic, and to come to a closer understanding of Israeli society.

Middle East Study Programs in Israel for International Students
History, Religion and War
In recent years, it seems that most news programs around the world include at least one segment that has to do with the Middle East. American involvement in Iraq, the Arab Spring, the continuing Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, and more recently - the ongoing civil war in Syria, kept the Middle East in headlines in newspapers around the world. You can find more about these subjects and others in Middle Eastern programs in Israel.
Study Programs
Several Israeli academic institutions offer semestrial or yearly programs in which students can learn about Arabic culture, international relations in the Middle East, the history of the area and more. In most programs students must take either Hebrew or Arabic courses. The programs incorporate theoretical studies with tours around Israel and the West Bank, and hearing lectures of both Israeli and Palestinian lecturers. The programs are entirely in English.
* The Arab-Israeli Conflict
* The Palestinians – Modern History and Society 
* Islamic Fundamentalism in the Arab World
* Contemporary Arab Thought and Culture
* History of the Middle East in the Modern Period
* Introduction to Islam
* Theories of International Relations and the Middle East
Most programs are semestrial or yearly. In contrast, a full international B.A. program is usually completed in three years.
Most of the programs are open only for international students in other universities, and admission is based on their academic achievements. Usually, only students with a GPA of 3.0 or higher are accepted.
Tuition Fees
Tuition fees for semestrial programs vary from approx. $2,000 to approx. $8,000. Yearly tuition fees are usually approx. $12,000. Tuition fees for undergraduate programs are approx. $11,000 per year. Note, the sums mentioned do not include housing or any other expenses.
Academic Institutions
Tel Aviv University – TAU's Liberal Arts B.A. program includes courses in Middle Eastern studies as well as classes in Israel studies, Psychology and Culture, Philosophy and other fields.
University of Haifa – offers a special semestrial program: "Arabic Language, Culture and Civilization". The track includes spoken and written Arabic courses as well as classes regarding Arabic thought, art and history.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem – offers the special D.O.M.E. ("Dynamics of the Middle East: Politics and Society") semestrial program. Students must take either Hebrew or Arabic classes in addition to several elective courses in Middle Eastern studies.
GIMI - The Galilee International Management Institute (Nahalal, near Nazareth) - offers two semestrial programs; one is a general track about the Middle East, and the other combines political science studies with the issue of Israeli Palestinian conflict. Both programs include weekly tours around Israel as well as lectures regarding the relevant subjects. 
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