Jerusalem Sounds Track at Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance

Academic institutions in Israel invite you to participate in international programs, earn credits or complete your degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the sites, to meet new people from all around the world, to hear Hebrew and Arabic, and to come to a closer understanding of Israeli society.

Music Studies at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance (JAMD)


Sounds of a Mixed City


The love for music is universal, as is a part of every culture on earth. However, the sounds vary in different countries and civilizations. In Jerusalem, a city rich in history and in culture one can hear both Israeli and Arabic sounds – various instruments and different ensembles, as well as the influences of world music - from classics to pop. For music lovers as well as upcoming musicians, Jerusalem is a fountain of inspiration.


Study Program


Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance offers international students the opportunity to enjoy great music program in its Givat-Ram campus, only a short walk from the museum region and from the Knesset. Students will benefit from individual instruction, participating in ensembles and attending special seminars such as The Hebrew Song or Klezmer music. Although teachers and students of the Jerusalem Academy are best known for their excellence in classical music, students can find many courses in jazz, world music and pop.


In addition to their music studies, all participants are required to take Hebrew classes and at least two courses in Jerusalem's Hebrew University's International School. Students may elect courses in Jewish Studies, Middle Eastern Studies, Psychology, History as well as other areas.


Studies Structure


JAMD offers both semestrial or yearlong programs for visiting students. All classes are in English. Credit points from JAMD and the Hebrew University are recognized by hundreds of academic institutions worldwide.




* Performance Techniques
* Ethnic Styles
* The Performer as a Creative Artist
* Klezmer Theater Music
* Lyrical Songs of Israel's First Composers
* Music and Language Interactions
* The Hebrew Song – Sources and Influences

Read also about - Jewish Studies in Israel




The faculty at JAMD includes many renowned and experienced classical musicians including: a cellist who is the musical director of several chamber music festivals in Israel and abroad; an opera vocal coach who performed with the Viennese opera house; an award winning violinist who regularly performs with JSO (Jerusalem Symphony); a viola instructor who played first viola in many orchestras in Europe and the US; and many more. In addition to the excellent teaching staff, every semester the academy hosts several master classes with visiting musicians.




Applicants must be undergraduate students who completed 28 credit points with a GPA of at least 3.0 (80). Suitable candidates will be asked to audition. Auditions are held in Canada and the US, UK, France, Australia and in other countries.


Academic Credits


As mentioned above, the students earn credits that may be recognized in their university or college back home.


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