Doctoral Degree Programs in Israel

Academic institutions in Israel invite you to participate in international programs, earn credits or complete your degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see the sites, to meet new people from all around the world, to hear Hebrew and Arabic, and to come to a closer understanding of Israeli society.

Doctoral Degree Programs in Israel


Some people live their life without ever wondering about it, while others feel the need to ask questions and seek possible answers. The latter are the ones that give hope to the world by discovering new means and creating novel solutions. If you wish to develop yourself as a researcher, you must continue studying in a Ph.D. track after completing an MA thesis.


These tracks are usually very individualistic. The specific issue that interests the doctorate student leads him to read all the academic material ever written on the subject. Afterwards, he builds his methodology, gather the findings and analyze them. This intellectual journey may bring him to build a new theory that will shape man's thought for the future. Also, it can help him model more updated methods for future research.

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Studies Structure


Coming up with a research question and finding a professor that will help and guide you is the first step. In Israel there are many well-known senior lecturers with unique specialties in fields such as – trauma treatment, holocaust studies, Judaism, Middle Eastern studies, agriculture, terrorism, emergency and disaster, immigration and more. Among the faculty of Weizmann Institute and the Technion there are some Noble Prize laureates and other impressive science figures.


Your professor advisor would probably recommend a few courses you should take and many relevant books and articles for you to go over. The next step is submitting the research proposal that has to be approved by an academic committee. Receiving approval you may try and get a fellowship or a grant by applying to organizations that publish a relevant call for proposals.


Going through the bibliography, the hard work is realized when you keep finding more previous researches done on your subject. It resembles a journey in a foreign territory, where you find helpful signs along the way. Don't worry, it does have an end. Meanwhile, you get to revise your methodology to get more accurate results, learning from the experience of other scholars. The colloquium is another tool that can help you get ideas, deliberating with fellow researchers.


Analyzing with scientific tools the results you get from your research is the main purpose of the next step. The conclusions section is the last milestone where you also need to make suggestions for future studies. In Israel you usually have to write the dissertation in Hebrew, while adding an English abstract. However, sometimes it is agreed that the student will write the dissertation in another language.


Admission Requirements


Applicants must finish a Master's thesis track in a recognized academic institution. Their grade average has to be 80 at least (B), and the thesis grade must be 85 or more ("Very Good"). Having a published article in a scientific journal is an advantage. Some candidates have to attend supplementary courses before starting their Doctorate.


Direct Doctoral Programs


Excellent Graduates in Israel are offered with the opportunity to get involved in research earlier on their academic journey. In the direct program the students attend MA courses for one year and then continue to doctoral studies, granted that they maintained high grades. Applicants must have an average grade of 90 (A) or more in courses related to the research subject, and an average of 80 (B) or higher in other courses.


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