The Hebrew University offers an IMPH degree to in English for international students. Students from developing countries and countries in transition are exempt from the application fee otherwise you'll have to pay 75 dollars (which are not refundable). Regarding the yearly fee i can't say for sure so you'll have to contact the Hebrew University directly to get the information you need about the fees for the academic year of 2016-2017.
Where can i pay the 75 dollars for the application fees.and after paying what next.
נועה סטרוז
IMPH studies in Israel
Hello Anash,
You can pay them online in their website and than continue with the registration, also online. All the information you need is there, in English but i advise you to contact them before paying just to make sure you can apply and there is no problem with your former studies.
Tuition fees
Can pa the tuition fees through the school account.and afterwards what next?
נועה סטרוז
Registrat to a degree in Israel
Hello Ansah,
After you pay the tuition registration fees you'll have to continue as written in the university website - usually they will ask you to fill some forms and send your documents by mail to the university but i strongly advise you to contact them before paying so they could explain to you the whole process and if you are eligible to apply with your background.