Studying as an Oleh Chadash from Austria in Israel
Studying as an Oleh Chadash from Austria in Israel
Moriya Witt
Hello! What entry requirements do I need if I want to study in Hebrew in Israel? And is my Austrian high school diploma ("Matura") enough to be accepted in Israeli Universities, such as Bar Ilan? Or do I need to do the psychometry/SAT/ACT? Thank you!
מאיה פורט - יועצת לימודים
Studying as an Oleh Chadash from Austria in Israel
Hi Moriya Witt,
Its hard for me to answer your question because it really depends on what you want to study. But in general in order to study at a university you would need to do the psychometry or the SAT, and in some of the colleges you don't need to, but again it really depends on the program.