My name is Bruno Paganeli I am finishing my PhD studies in Botany and Ecology, at the University of Tartu, Estonia, under the supervision of Professor Meelis Partel. I would like to apply for the Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship and I am looking for a supervisor.
I have a project in mind that works with non-native plants, on a global scale along with the the dark diversity approach. I could not find a professor list from your University, that is one of the listed as suitable for application on this fellowship.
Could you please share with me the list of professors dealing with such an ecological perspective? I believe that the potential supervisor should be in the Earth system science perspective on your list of disciplines.
Thank you very much and I am looking forward to hearing from you. All the best.
מאיה פורט - יועצת לימודים
Earth system science postdoc supervisor
Hi Bruno Paganeli,
We are a studying forum without any direct connections to any of the Universities, so we don't have a list of professors. I highly suggest you contact the University directly and ask them for the list and for further information about the program.