oriental language history and culture in Israel university
oriental language history and culture in Israel university
Hi , Im Student From Kosovo, And i like to study in Israel , because in my country missing master, i finish bachelor ,for oriental language history and culture...so i need to go out state to finish master and , i like to go in israel.. i dont like to go, other countries in east just in israel. :d
אנאבל אדמסקי
MA in Middle Eastern studies
Hello Gazmend,
Israeli Universities offer a MA program that specializes in Middle Eastern studies and Islamic studies. The program Spans between a year and a 18 months, depending on whether or not you decide to write a thesis. The courses that are taught entirely in English include fascinating discussions and research on Culture, politics, languages and Ideology in different Arab stated and in Israel. You can choose to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem or at Tel Aviv University. In order to apply, you must complete your undergraduate studies with a GPA OF 3.0 AND ABOVE. It is also required that you have precious experience and knowledge regarding Middle Eastern affairs, or you will have to take extra courses.
I've attached a link to an article with some more information for you on these programs. If this is not what you had in mind, or if you have any more questions, please feel free to let us know. Just fill in your contact details in the yellow guidance tab below, and we will come back to you and be happy to help.