I have a BSc+MSc in engineering plus two years of working experience (all in different parts of Western Europe) and I am considering applying for a PhD in Israel at Technion University.
I am not at all familiarized with the higher educational system of Israel and would like to know, if in general: - Is there a lot of competition for this kind of programs? - Are the scholarships enough to support oneself or is it necessary to find additional means of funding for basic needs?
Thank you in advance
שני יונגר
PhD in engineering
Hello Maria ,
In general, in Israel there is a high competition for scholarships. However, since you are looking for a science scholarship, it is easier to find, since the State of Israel is interested in advancing the field of science and engineering in particular. What you need to do is apply to the university, and start the admission procedure. As part of it, you will be able to apply for scholarships as well. If you need assistance, you can always leave your details in the personal guidance tab below and we'll come back to you.